Comprehensive Clinical Science Subject Exam - Content Outline

The Comprehensive Clinical Science Examination is a general, integrated achievement test covering material typically learned during core clinical clerkships. The exam reflects content coverage on USMLE Step 2.


General Principles, Including Normal Age-Related Findings and Care of the Well Patient (1%–5%)

Immune System (1%–5%)

Blood & Lymphoreticular System (5%–10%)

Behavioral Health (5%–10%)

Nervous System & Special Senses (5%–10%)

Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue (1%–5%)

Musculoskeletal System (5%–10%)

Cardiovascular System (5%–10%)

Respiratory System (5%–10%)

Gastrointestinal System (5%–10%)

Renal & Urinary System (1%–5%)

Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium (5%–10%)

Female Reproductive System & Breast (5%–10%)

Male Reproductive System (1%–5%)

Endocrine System (5%–10%)

Multisystem Processes & Disorders (5%–10%)

Biostatistics, Epidemiology/Population Health, & Interpretation of the Medical Lit. (1%–5%)

Social Sciences, Incl. Medical Ethics, Professionalism, Systems-based Practice, & Patient Safety (10%–15%)


Physician Task

Diagnosis: Knowledge Pertaining to Diagnostic Studies, Diagnosis, & Patient Outcomes (40%–50%)

Patient Care: Health Maintenance (10%–20%)

Patient Care: Pharmacotherapy, Intervention, & Management (40%–50%)


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