Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Thai Q. Ong, Dena A. Pastor

Applied Psychological Measurement: Volume 46, issue 2, page(s) 571-588


This study evaluates the degree to which position effects on two separate low-stakes tests administered to two different samples were moderated by different item (item length, number of response options, mental taxation, and graphic) and examinee (effort, change in effort, and gender) variables. Items exhibited significant negative linear position effects on both tests, with the magnitude of the position effects varying from item to item.

Posted: | Monica M. Cuddy, Chunyan Liu, Wenli Ouyang, Michael A. Barone, Aaron Young, David A. Johnson

Academic Medicine: June 2022


This study examines the associations between Step 3 scores and subsequent receipt of disciplinary action taken by state medical boards for problematic behavior in practice. It analyzes Step 3 total, Step 3 computer-based case simulation (CCS), and Step 3multiple-choice question (MCQ) scores.

Posted: | Katie L. Arnhart, Monica M. Cuddy, David Johnson, Michael A. Barone, Aaron Young

Academic Medicine: Volume 97 - Issue 4 - Pages 476-477


Response to to emphasize that although findings support a relationship between multiple USMLE attempts and increased likelihood of receiving disciplinary actions, the findings in isolation are not sufficient for proposing new policy on how many attempts should be allowed.

Posted: | Richard A. Feinberg, Carol Morrison, Mark R. Raymond

Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices: Volume 41 - Issue 1 - Pages 95-96


Often unanticipated situations arise that can create a range of problems from threats to score validity, to unexpected financial costs, and even longer-term reputational damage. This module discusses some of these unusual challenges that usually occur in a credentialing program.