NBME is a mission-driven organization that specializes in the creation of high-quality assessments and learning tools.
Our Mission
NBME advances assessment of health care professionals to achieve optimal care for all.
At NBME, we are dedicated to advancing the assessment of health care professionals to achieve optimal care for all. While centered on assessment of physicians, this mission encompasses the spectrum of health professionals along the continuum of education, training and practice and includes research in evaluation as well as development of assessment tools.

Our Vision
A highly effective, diverse and compassionate health care workforce.
Through the creation of comprehensive assessment and learning tools for health professionals, we hope to contribute to a highly effective, diverse and compassionate health care workforce.
NBME Key Points
In addition to offering assessment tools for every stage of the medical school journey, NBME aims to build meaningful collaborations and make lasting contributions to the medical education community.
Our Capabilities
We evolve to meet the changing needs of the health care community, creating exams with advanced test development strategies, psychometric expertise and insights gained through research.
Our Collaborations
Our assessments are produced in collaboration with educators and practicing physicians who comprise our nationwide faculty—the core component in creating high-quality examinations.
Our Contributions
We work to empower medical educators through our grants, awards and related programs, while providing opportunities for continuous learning in the health care community.

Our History
NBME was founded in 1915 with the two primary goals:
- To elevate the standard of qualification for the practice of medicine and surgery
- To provide a means for recognition of qualified persons to practice in any state, territory, or dependency of the United States without further examination by their licensing boards
Since that time, we have worked to further advance the assessment of medical education.
View an interactive timeline of our history to learn more.

NBME Today
Over 100 years later, NBME strives to ensure a higher standard of qualification for medical practice and now aims to support the spectrum of health care professionals across the continuum of their education and practice.
Under the leadership of our Board of Directors, we hope to fulfill this mission through continuous improvement and collaboration with medical schools, health profession organizations and members of the public.
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