Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Michael A. Barone, Jessica L. Bienstock, Elise Lovell, John R. Gimpel, Grant L. Lin, Jennifer Swails, George C. Mejicano

Journal of Graduate Medical Education: Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 634-638


This article discusses recent recommendations from the UME-GME Review Committee (UGRC) to address challenges in the UME-GME transition—including complexity, negative impact on well-being, costs, and inequities.

Posted: | Jennifer L. Swails, Steven Angus, Michael Barone, Jessica Bienstock, Jesse Burk-Rafel, Michelle Roett, Karen E. Hauer

Academic Medicine: Volume 98 - Issue 2 - Pages 180-187


This article describes the work of the Coalition for Physician Accountability’s Undergraduate Medical Education to Graduate Medical Education Review Committee (UGRC) to apply a quality improvement approach and systems thinking to explore the underlying causes of dysfunction in the undergraduate medical education (UME) to graduate medical education (GME) transition.

Posted: | Jonathan D. Rubright, Thai Q. Ong, Michael G. Jodoin, David A. Johnson, Michael A. Barone

Academic Medicine: Volume 97 - Issue 8 - Pages 1219-1225


Since 2012, the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) has maintained a policy of ≤ 6 attempts on any examination component. The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the appropriateness of existing USMLE retake policy.

Posted: | Monica M. Cuddy, Chunyan Liu, Wenli Ouyang, Michael A. Barone, Aaron Young, David A. Johnson

Academic Medicine: June 2022


This study examines the associations between Step 3 scores and subsequent receipt of disciplinary action taken by state medical boards for problematic behavior in practice. It analyzes Step 3 total, Step 3 computer-based case simulation (CCS), and Step 3multiple-choice question (MCQ) scores.

Posted: | Daniel Jurich, Chunyan Liu, Amanda Clauser

Journal of Graduate Medical Education: Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 353-354


Letter to the editor.

Posted: | Andrew A. White, Ann M. King, Angelo E. D’Addario, Karen Berg Brigham, Suzanne Dintzis, Emily E. Fay, Thomas H. Gallagher, Kathleen M. Mazor

JMIR Medical Education: Volume 8 - Issue 2 - e30988


This article aims to compare the reliability of two assessment groups (crowdsourced laypeople and patient advocates) in rating physician error disclosure communication skills using the Video-Based Communication Assessment app.

Posted: | Jonathan D. Rubright, Michael Jodoin, Stephanie Woodward, Michael A. Barone

Academic Medicine: Volume 97 - Issue 5 - Pages 718-722


The purpose of this 2019–2020 study was to statistically identify and qualitatively review USMLE Step 1 exam questions (items) using differential item functioning (DIF) methodology.

Posted: | Katie L. Arnhart, Monica M. Cuddy, David Johnson, Michael A. Barone, Aaron Young

Academic Medicine: Volume 97 - Issue 4 - Pages 476-477


Response to to emphasize that although findings support a relationship between multiple USMLE attempts and increased likelihood of receiving disciplinary actions, the findings in isolation are not sufficient for proposing new policy on how many attempts should be allowed.

Posted: | Andrew A White, Ann M King, Angelo E D’Addario, Karen Berg Brigham, Suzanne Dintzis, Emily E Fay, Thomas H Gallagher, Kathleen M Mazor

JMIR Medical Education: Volume 8 , Issue 4


The Video-based Communication Assessment (VCA) app is a novel tool for simulating communication scenarios for practice and obtaining crowdsourced assessments and feedback on physicians’ communication skills. This article aims to evaluate the efficacy of using VCA practice and feedback as a stand-alone intervention for the development of residents’ error disclosure skills.