Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Martin G. Tolsgaard, Martin V. Pusic, Stefanie S. Sebok-Syer, Brian Gin, Morten Bo Svendsen, Mark D. Syer, Ryan Brydges, Monica M. Cuddy, Christy K. Boscardin

Medical Teacher: Volume 45 - Issue 6, Pages 565-573


This guide aims aim to describe practical considerations involved in reading and conducting studies in medical education using Artificial Intelligence (AI), define basic terminology and identify which medical education problems and data are ideally-suited for using AI.

Posted: | Victoria Yaneva, Le An Ha, Sukru Eraslan, Yeliz Yesilada, Ruslan Mitkov

Neural Engineering Techniques for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Volume 2, Pages 63-79


Automated detection of high-functioning autism in adults is a highly challenging and understudied problem. In search of a way to automatically detect the condition, this chapter explores how eye-tracking data from reading tasks can be used.

Posted: | Erfan Khalaji, Sukru Eraslan, Yeliz Yesilada, Victoria Yaneva

Behavior & Information Technology


This study builds upon prior work in this area that focused on developing a machine-learning classifier trained on gaze data from web-related tasks to detect ASD in adults. Using the same data, we show that a new data pre-processing approach, combined with an exploration of the performance of different classification algorithms, leads to an increased classification accuracy compared to prior work.

Posted: | Ian Micir, Kimberly Swygert, Jean D'Angelo

Journal of Applied Technology: Volume 23 - Special Issue 1 - Pages 30-40


The interpretations of test scores in secure, high-stakes environments are dependent on several assumptions, one of which is that examinee responses to items are independent and no enemy items are included on the same forms. This paper documents the development and implementation of a C#-based application that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to produce prioritized predictions of item enemy statuses within a large item bank.

Posted: | Victoria Yaneva, Brian E. Clauser, Amy Morales, Miguel Paniagua

Journal of Educational Measurement: Volume 58, Issue 4, Pages 515-537


In this paper, the NBME team reports the results an eye-tracking study designed to evaluate how the presence of the options in multiple-choice questions impacts the way medical students responded to questions designed to evaluate clinical reasoning. Examples of the types of data that can be extracted are presented. We then discuss the implications of these results for evaluating the validity of inferences made based on the type of items used in this study.

Posted: | Martin G. Tolsgaard, Christy K. Boscardin, Yoon Soo Park, Monica M. Cuddy, Stefanie S. Sebok-Syer

Advances in Health Sciences Education: Volume 25, p 1057–1086 (2020)


This critical review explores: (1) published applications of data science and ML in HPE literature and (2) the potential role of data science and ML in shifting theoretical and epistemological perspectives in HPE research and practice.

Posted: | V. Yaneva, L. A. Ha, S. Eraslan, Y. Yesilada, R. Mitkov

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


The purpose of this study is to test whether visual processing differences between adults with and without high-functioning autism captured through eye tracking can be used to detect autism.

Posted: | M. von Davier

Psychometrika 83, 847–857 (2018)


Utilizing algorithms to generate items in educational and psychological testing is an active area of research for obvious reasons: Test items are predominantly written by humans, in most cases by content experts who represent a limited and potentially costly resource. Using algorithms instead has the appeal to provide an unlimited resource for this crucial part of assessment development.