Find on-demand recordings of recent NBME webinars below.

Power of Community: Addressing the Challenges of Clinical Reasoning Assessment
Hear from members of the OSCE for Clinical Reasoning Creative Community—a two-year collaboration between NBME staff and educators from 10 medical schools—as they share their work exploring a novel approach to assessing clinical reasoning.

Using NBME® INSIGHTS℠ to Support Student Success: Expert Advice from MELS
Learn practical tips from the Medical Education Learning Specialists (MELS) group on how to get the most out of the INSIGHTS dashboard, from integrating available assessment data into feedback loops to helping students maximize study time.

AI in Assessment: Ethics, Innovation and Research
Discover the impact of AI in medical education assessment, including its role in advancing the measurement of skills, such as clinical reasoning and communication, and providing personalized feedback and greater facilitation of learning.

Driving Student Success with Teaching and Assessment: A Conversation with Marshall University
Find out how faculty at the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University use NBME assessments and other tools to fulfill their mission—fostering a skilled physician workforce to meet the unique health care needs of West Virginia and Central Appalachia.
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