Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Michael A. Barone, Jessica L. Bienstock, Elise Lovell, John R. Gimpel, Grant L. Lin, Jennifer Swails, George C. Mejicano

Journal of Graduate Medical Education: Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 634-638


This article discusses recent recommendations from the UME-GME Review Committee (UGRC) to address challenges in the UME-GME transition—including complexity, negative impact on well-being, costs, and inequities.

Posted: | Jennifer L. Swails, Steven Angus, Michael Barone, Jessica Bienstock, Jesse Burk-Rafel, Michelle Roett, Karen E. Hauer

Academic Medicine: Volume 98 - Issue 2 - Pages 180-187


This article describes the work of the Coalition for Physician Accountability’s Undergraduate Medical Education to Graduate Medical Education Review Committee (UGRC) to apply a quality improvement approach and systems thinking to explore the underlying causes of dysfunction in the undergraduate medical education (UME) to graduate medical education (GME) transition.

Posted: | Monica M. Cuddy, Lauren M. Foster, Paul M. Wallach, Maya M. Hammoud, David B. Swanson

Academic Medicine: Volume 97 - Issue 2 - Pages 262-270


This study examined shifts in U.S. medical student interactions with EHRs during their clinical education, 2012–2016, and how these interactions varied by clerkship within and across medical schools.