Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Research Library Publications
Posted: | King Yiu Suen, Victoria Yaneva, Le An Ha, Janet Mee, Yiyun Zhou, Polina Harik

Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023), Pages 443-447


This paper presents the ACTA system, which performs automated short-answer grading in the domain of high-stakes medical exams. The system builds upon previous work on neural similarity-based grading approaches by applying these to the medical domain and utilizing contrastive learning as a means to optimize the similarity metric. 

Posted: | Victoria Yaneva, Peter Baldwin, Le An Ha, Christopher Runyon

Advancing Natural Language Processing in Educational Assessment: Pages 167-182


This chapter discusses the evolution of natural language processing (NLP) approaches to text representation and how different ways of representing text can be utilized for a relatively understudied task in educational assessment – that of predicting item characteristics from item text.

Posted: | Polina Harik, Janet Mee, Christopher Runyon, Brian E. Clauser

Advancing Natural Language Processing in Educational Assessment: Pages 58-73


This chapter describes INCITE, an NLP-based system for scoring free-text responses. It emphasizes the importance of context and the system’s intended use and explains how each component of the system contributed to its accuracy.