Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Research Library Publications
Posted: | M. M. Hammoud, L. M.Foster, M. M.Cuddy, D. B. Swanson, P. M. Wallach

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 223, Issue 3, Pages 435.e1-435.e6


The purpose of this study was to examine medical student reporting of electronic health record use during the obstetrics and gynecology clerkship.

Posted: | P. M. Wallach L. M. Foster, M. M. Cuddy, M. M. Hammoud, K. Z. Holtzman, D. B. Swanson

J Gen Intern Med 34, 705–711 (2019)


This study examines medical student accounts of EHR use during their internal medicine (IM) clerkships and sub-internships during a 5-year time period prior to the new clinical documentation guidelines.

Posted: | L. M. Foster, M. M. Cuddy, D. B. Swanson, K. Z. Holtzman, M. M. Hammoud, P. M. Wallach

Academic Medicine: November 2018 - Volume 93 - Issue 11S - p S14-S20


An important goal of medical education is to teach students to use an electronic health record (EHR) safely and effectively. The purpose of this study is to examine medical student accounts of EHR use during their core inpatient clinical clerkships using a national sample. Paper health records (PHRs) are similarly examined.