Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Daniel Jurich, Michelle Daniel, Karen E. Hauer, Christine Seibert, Latha Chandran, Arnyce R. Pock, Sara B. Fazio, Amy Fleming, Sally A. Santen

Teaching and Learning in Medicine: Volume 33 - Issue 4 - p 366-381


CSE scores for students from eight schools that moved Step 1 after core clerkships between 2012 and 2016 were analyzed in a pre-post format. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to quantify the effect of the curriculum on CSE performance. Additional analysis determined if clerkship order impacted clinical subject exam performance and whether the curriculum change resulted in more students scoring in the lowest percentiles before and after the curricular change.

Posted: | M.J. Margolis, R.A. Feinberg (eds)

Integrating Timing Considerations to Improve Testing Practices


This book synthesizes a wealth of theory and research on time issues in assessment into actionable advice for test development, administration, and scoring. 

Posted: | D. Jurich

Integrating Timing Considerations to Improve Testing Practices


This chapter presents a historical overview of the testing literature that exemplifies the theoretical and operational evolution of test speededness.