Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Andrew A. White, Ann M. King, Angelo E. D’Addario, Karen Berg Brigham, Suzanne Dintzis, Emily E. Fay, Thomas H. Gallagher, Kathleen M. Mazor

JMIR Medical Education: Volume 8 - Issue 2 - e30988


This article aims to compare the reliability of two assessment groups (crowdsourced laypeople and patient advocates) in rating physician error disclosure communication skills using the Video-Based Communication Assessment app.

Posted: | Andrew A White, Ann M King, Angelo E D’Addario, Karen Berg Brigham, Suzanne Dintzis, Emily E Fay, Thomas H Gallagher, Kathleen M Mazor

JMIR Medical Education: Volume 8 , Issue 4


The Video-based Communication Assessment (VCA) app is a novel tool for simulating communication scenarios for practice and obtaining crowdsourced assessments and feedback on physicians’ communication skills. This article aims to evaluate the efficacy of using VCA practice and feedback as a stand-alone intervention for the development of residents’ error disclosure skills.

Posted: | S. Tackett, M. Raymond, R. Desai, S. A. Haist, A. Morales, S. Gaglani, S. G. Clyman

Medical Teacher: Volume 40 - Issue 8 - p 838-841


Adaptive learning requires frequent and valid assessments for learners to track progress against their goals. This study determined if multiple-choice questions (MCQs) “crowdsourced” from medical learners could meet the standards of many large-scale testing programs.