Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Christopher Runyon, Polina Harik, Michael Barone

Diagnosis: Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 54-60


This op-ed discusses the advantages of leveraging natural language processing (NLP) in the assessment of clinical reasoning. It also provides an overview of INCITE, the Intelligent Clinical Text Evaluator, a scalable NLP-based computer-assisted scoring system that was developed to measure clinical reasoning ability as assessed in the written documentation portion of the now-discontinued USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills examination. 

Posted: | Hanin Rashid, Christopher Runyon, Jesse Burk-Rafel, Monica M. Cuddy, Liselotte Dyrbye, Katie Arnhart, Ulana Luciw-Dubas, Hilit F. Mechaber, Steve Lieberman, Miguel Paniagua

Academic Medicine: Volume 97 - Issue 11S - Page S176


As Step 1 begins to transition to pass/fail, it is interesting to consider the impact of score goal on wellness. This study examines the relationship between goal score, gender, and students’ self-reported anxiety, stress, and overall distress immediately following their completion of Step 1.

Posted: | Daniel Jurich, Chunyan Liu, Amanda Clauser

Journal of Graduate Medical Education: Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 353-354


Letter to the editor.