Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Chunyan Liu, Dan Jurich

Applied Psychological Measurement: Volume 47, issue 1, page(s) 34-47


This study used simulation to investigate the performance of the t-test method in detecting outliers and compared its performance with other outlier detection methods, including the logit difference method with 0.5 and 0.3 as the cutoff values and the robust z statistic with 2.7 as the cutoff value.

Posted: | Peter Baldwin, Brian E. Clauser

Journal of Educational Measurement: Volume 59, Issue 2, Pages 140-160


A conceptual framework for thinking about the problem of score comparability is given followed by a description of three classes of connectives. Examples from the history of innovations in testing are given for each class.

Posted: | Ian Micir, Kimberly Swygert, Jean D'Angelo

Journal of Applied Technology: Volume 23 - Special Issue 1 - Pages 30-40


The interpretations of test scores in secure, high-stakes environments are dependent on several assumptions, one of which is that examinee responses to items are independent and no enemy items are included on the same forms. This paper documents the development and implementation of a C#-based application that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to produce prioritized predictions of item enemy statuses within a large item bank.