Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Le An Ha, Victoria Yaneva, Polina Harik, Ravi Pandian, Amy Morales, Brian Clauser

Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics


This paper brings together approaches from the fields of NLP and psychometric measurement to address the problem of predicting examinee proficiency from responses to short-answer questions (SAQs).

Posted: | Z. Jiang, M.R. Raymond

Applied Psychological Measurement: Volume: 42 issue: 8, page(s): 595-612


Conventional methods for evaluating the utility of subscores rely on reliability and correlation coefficients. However, correlations can overlook a notable source of variability: variation in subtest means/difficulties. Brennan introduced a reliability index for score profiles based on multivariate generalizability theory, designated as G, which is sensitive to variation in subtest difficulty. However, there has been little, if any, research evaluating the properties of this index. A series of simulation experiments, as well as analyses of real data, were conducted to investigate G under various conditions of subtest reliability, subtest correlations, and variability in subtest means.