Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Research Library Publications
Posted: | Andrew A. White, Ann M. King, Angelo E. D’Addario, Karen Berg Brigham, Suzanne Dintzis, Emily E. Fay, Thomas H. Gallagher, Kathleen M. Mazor

JMIR Medical Education: Volume 8 - Issue 2 - e30988


This article aims to compare the reliability of two assessment groups (crowdsourced laypeople and patient advocates) in rating physician error disclosure communication skills using the Video-Based Communication Assessment app.

Posted: | S. Tackett, M. Raymond, R. Desai, S. A. Haist, A. Morales, S. Gaglani, S. G. Clyman

Medical Teacher: Volume 40 - Issue 8 - p 838-841


Adaptive learning requires frequent and valid assessments for learners to track progress against their goals. This study determined if multiple-choice questions (MCQs) “crowdsourced” from medical learners could meet the standards of many large-scale testing programs.