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Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Research Library Publications
Posted: | P.J. Hicks, M.J. Margolis, C.L. Carraccio, B.E. Clauser, K. Donnelly, H.B. Fromme, K.A. Gifford, S.E. Poynter, D.J. Schumacher, A. Schwartz & the PMAC Module 1 Study Group

Medical Teacher: Volume 40 - Issue 11 - p 1143-1150


This study explores a novel milestone-based workplace assessment system that was implemented in 15 pediatrics residency programs. The system provided: web-based multisource feedback and structured clinical observation instruments that could be completed on any computer or mobile device; and monthly feedback reports that included competency-level scores and recommendations for improvement.

Posted: | M. von Davier

Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 243-262


Surveys that include skill measures may suffer from additional sources of error compared to those containing questionnaires alone. Examples are distractions such as noise or interruptions of testing sessions, as well as fatigue or lack of motivation to succeed. This paper aims to provide a review of statistical tools based on latent variable modeling approaches extended by explanatory variables that allow detection of survey errors in skill surveys.