The Comprehensive Basic Science Examination is a general, integrated achievement test covering material typically learned during basic science education, with somewhat more emphasis on second-year courses in medical schools with traditional curricula. The exam reflects content coverage on USMLE Step 1 and uses the same item formats.
General Principles of Foundational Science (10%–15%)
Biochemistry andmolecular biology
Biology of cells
Human development and genetics
Biology of tissue response to disease
Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic processes
Microbial biology
Normal age-related findings and care of the well patient
Immune System (1%–5%)
Blood & Lymphoreticular System (5%–10%)
Behavioral Health (1%–5%)
Nervous System & Special Senses (5%–10%)
Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue (1%–5%)
Musculoskeletal System (5%–10%)
Cardiovascular System (5%–10%)
Respiratory System (5%–10%)
Gastrointestinal System (5%–10%)
Renal & Urinary System (5%–10%)
Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperium (1%–5%)
Female Reproductive System & Breast (1%–5%)
Male Reproductive System (1%–5%)
Endocrine System (1%–5%)
Multisystem Processes & Disorders (5%–10%)
Biostatistics, Epidemiology/Population Health, & Interpretation of the Medical Lit. (5%–10%)
Social Sciences, Including Communication, Medical Ethics, and Death & Dying (5%–10%)
Physician Task
Applying Foundational Science Concepts (55%–65%)
Diagnosis: Knowledge Pertaining to History, Exam, Diagnostic Studies, & Patient Outcomes (20%–30%)